dinsdag 20 december 2011

Animation Klokhuis

Last year, we did some animation for Klokhuis. It's called 'Spelletjes met Spulletjes' and these are fun games children can play. The animations are instructions how to play a game. Due to the time, these are simple animations, done in combination with After Effects and Tvpaint.

This is game is called 'Dwaal Laken'. I tried to make a silhouette like animation. I gave it a bit dark tone because the concept, but instead of black silhouette I used white to make it not to scary.

I helped on two more animation, but I'll update next time ;)

donderdag 27 oktober 2011


Here's some backgrounds I've been working on. Probably not going to use these though.

maandag 12 september 2011


Yes we reaached the month september, which means time to get started again. It's not like I sat on my lazy ass the whole summer, there's was plenty to do.

for example,
this demo from De Rode Kruis, I did some illustrations for the company Mickey Did It.

zondag 14 augustus 2011

maandag 8 augustus 2011

zondag 10 juli 2011


We've finished our project a few weeks ago, I'm happy with the results. And most of all, I can spend my vacation doing NOTHING. Well, not exactly nothing, I'm still going to improve my skills this summer.

We made some animations, they explain some games which children can play. Here are some artwork for the schoolproject I made:

zondag 29 mei 2011

zaterdag 28 mei 2011

maandag 25 april 2011

things a I did last year

yay, some more commercial thingys (animations) showed up on the internet. I did this for my intership.

this one was for CompanyBrain

and this is an Ident for my internship

and a short animation, which this is a screen shot of it.

and now i'm working on a project with some other students.
Hopefully, we have (at least) 6 animations at the end of the deadline.
I'll post something soon.

vrijdag 11 maart 2011

dinsdag 8 maart 2011


Working on my paper about Silhouet Animation. I always had a thing for this technique. One of the first storyboards I made was a story with silhouets. I drew the storyboard with a marker. Too bad, the marker wasn't a really good idea, my drawing started to turn yellow like after two days I made it. I stille have a picture of it.

zondag 27 februari 2011

zaterdag 19 februari 2011

Done with my internship, so may find some things i've done on their site.
time for some illustrations and animations of my own :)